Ed Tech Cases Portal
Exemplary Technology-Supported Schooling Cases in the USA
School Reports & Videos: Learn about one of the eleven schools studied through links to its video case, text case report and website. Multicase Reports: Papers on topics such as professional development, leadership, instructional practices, and student outcomes that analyze at the schools studied.
Project Overview Contact Ron Anderson and Sara Dexter, Project Co-Directors

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School Reports & Videos >Frontier Elementary
Frontier Elementary: Technology as an Instructional and Management Tool in an Extended School Year

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Case Overview
Frontier Elementary School is located in an economically diverse section of the fifth most populous county in its state. Frontier provides preK-5 education for 870 students from the immediate neighborhood, over one-third of whom qualify for free/reduced lunch. Faculty has approximately 60 classroom teachers and support staff, two administrators, one Network Manager, one Curriculum Technology Specialist, one media specialist, and one guidance counselor.

The school, built eight years ago, differs from other schools in the district in two ways: First, it has an extended year of 210 instead of 180 school days; second, it serves as the elementary school technology demonstration site for the district.

Technology is used as a tool for managing instruction in the school and enhancing teaching and learning in the classroom. Through the use of the Student Achievement Model (SAM) process and the Integrated Management System (IMS), teachers and administrators make instructional decisions informed by student assessment data.

There is extensive support provided to teachers for technology use and integration into the curriculum. That support includes a district program, the Curriculum Technology Integration Project (CTIP), which trains teachers to use information and communication technologies (ICT) in every classroom and especially in the computer lab. Within the school, support includes the pairing of technical support with instructional support through two faculty, the Network Manager and the Curriculum Technology Specialist, both of whom work in the classrooms with teachers, thereby increasing their confidence in using technology with students.

The school's ICT includes the computer lab, maintained by the school district for district-wide professional development sessions, and a TV studio with daily broadcasts coordinated by 4th and 5th grade students.

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